Fact of the Fortnight 3/18/21 - Know Your Contract: Article 9 - Load Banking’s Potential Benefits...
Spring 2021 PFF Newsletter
PFF Equity and Inclusion Statement
2/18/21 Fact of the Fortnight: The “Know Your Contract” Series - Article 4: Workload and Calendar
Fact of the Fortnight 2/4/21: Service Points & Institutional Responsibility
Fact of the Fortnight, 12/10/20: Faculty Success in the Fall 2020 Semester
FOTF 11/12/20 Spring is Coming! Will You Be Able To Teach?
Fact of the Fortnight, 10/29/20: Your Vote Directly Impacts Your Job
Negotiations Update: October 28, 2020
FOTF: 10/15/20 - Budget Redux
Fact of the Week, 9/24/20: The Budget is in the Black
Fact of the Week, 9/10/20: Governing Board - The Drama Continues
Fact of the Week for 9/3/20: Union Faculty, Union Benefits
Fact of the Fortnight, 8/13/20: Times Are Tough, But So Are We
Negotiations Update of High Importance. Please read!
Fact of the Fortnight, 7/30/20: AS 101 for Palomar Employees