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Fact of the Week for 1/16/20 - Health Care for Few


This week's Truth on Thursdays covers health care.

Did you know? Palomar College does not pay for health care benefits for the majority of faculty.


Palomar College has 301 full-time faculty and 789 part-time faculty.

A part-time faculty member has to teach a 45% load over three semesters to be considered eligible for benefits and even then may possibly still not receive them (See new PFF-District Contract 2019-22 TA’s and MOUs, Article 16.10.5)

Only 39 part-time faculty are currently receiving health care benefits at Palomar College. That’s 5% of all part-time faculty.

Part-time health benefits are capped at a total of $200,000 per academic year. So if the cost for part-time health benefits exceeds that, Palomar College can refuse to pay for it and part-timers can lose their health insurance (see article 16.10 and 16.6 of the new contract TAs).

The cap has been in place for 8 years at this level, despite increasing costs to all medical insurances for all other employees.

PFF repeatedly attempts to renegotiate this cap , but the District will not remove nor increase the cap.

It is worth noting that part-timers who do receive health care benefits receive a low-level Kaiser plan and must contribute 25% of the plan’s cost. It is also for a single person. Palomar College will not pay, nor contribute, towards family plans for part-time faculty (see 16.10.1 and 16.1-.3 of the new contract TAs).

Bottom Line: PFF recognizes that the District is in financial difficulties, but we believe that fully funding (no cap) those that qualify is a priority. The cost is minimal, estimated to be around $50,000 to $75,000 more for the next academic year. But the results - faculty who have access to medical care and do not have to worry about losing it - would be overwhelmingly positive.

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