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Fact of the Week for 9/3/20: Union Faculty, Union Benefits

Welcome Back to Campus...Oh wait, we aren’t on Campus! But we are still here for you!

Did you Know? The PFF has both new and continuing benefits available to our members. Make sure you are taking advantage of all your benefits in this list.


There are new member benefits, or continuing benefits with new changes:

Ombuds (Bill Jahnel, Tami Weintraub, and Anastasia Zavodny) are not site specific. Ombuds can help with:

Canvas questions

Zoom techniques

One-on-one DE support for assistance with your Distance Education based questions

Questions about your Priority number

Questions about the Contract

Just about any job-related question you have!

Increased Emergency Funds - up to $750 per member per academic year.

Providing part-time faculty help in finding a full-time job with Bill Jahnel’s podcast series “Freeway Flier No More”

AS101 Books - PFF members who take the employee only Africana Studies 101 section receive a course textbook at no cost to the member.

Continuing member benefits:

Conference Funding - PFF will reimburse up to $500 per member for conference registration fees.

Shared governance positions available through PFF.

Workshops on retirement, unemployment benefits, contract updates, and other job-related issues.

Part-time faculty prioritization list assistance - we have people who are available to help answer your questions.

Meet and Greets with Board Members (hopefully back on soon) and more social gatherings.

Scholarships for family members for higher education (applications in early spring)

Questions and Answers - Not sure who to ask? Ask us! We will either answer your question or direct you to someone who can.

College and Community-Wide Benefits

Support for Palomar Foundation and Equity and Inclusion Campus Group through donations.

Food Distribution, along with CCE and other local Unions, began this summer. They are open to the entire community, and we have already helped feed thousands of our neighbors. Click here to help from 7:30-10:30am at the September 12th distribution.

Reports - PFF provides reports on negotiations, campus issues, and the Governing Board meetings to all faculty to help everyone stay informed.

Bottom line: PFF is more than just grievances and negotiations; we offer a multitude of benefits and we encourage you to make full use of them. You can help support these benefits and increase faculty strength by being a PFF member or becoming more active in the Union. We are working people standing together, colleagues supporting each other in both professional and personal matters. Faculty working conditions are student learning conditions. To join, click here. To check your membership status, email

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