We enjoyed a highly productive negotiations meeting with the District this afternoon and made good progress towards our 2022-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). We TAed (tentatively agreed/signed off) on three important articles with significant gains for faculty and signed two MOUs at today’s meeting.
Article 9 (Leaves)- TAed
Doubled the amount of bereavement leave provided to faculty upon the death of a spouse/partner or child, from five days to 10.
Outlined the process and provision of unpaid leave for permanent faculty.
Extended the availability of leave to care for “designated people,” defined as individuals that the faculty member identifies as being equivalent to a blood relationship.
Clarification of the available leaves for new parents.
Gained the ability for FT faculty to donate overload sick leave to the general catastrophic leave bank.
Clarified the Governing Board waiver of the performance bond for faculty on sabbatical.
General language clean- up including gender- neutral language and clarifications of existing law and practice.
Article 10 (Professional Development)- TAed
Clean-up and clarification of deadlines and language related to existing process.
Codified payment for required trainings for PT faculty beyond their PD pay.
Article 16 (Benefits)- TAed
Major gains for PT health benefits! PT faculty with a 40% load will now have access to the same health benefit options that FT faculty have, with the same levels of employer-provided coverage.
More information with details will be coming soon to PT faculty. Please plan on attending the PFF Part-Time Updates workshop at Spring plenary for more details.
We signed an MOU that provides Diane Studinka with 100% reassigned time for Spring 2023 to work on administrative special projects.
We signed an MOU that provides an additional 20% reassigned time for CALM for Spring 2023 to continue work on the ZTC grant.
We next meet with the District on 1/25/23, where we plan to present our counterproposal for Appendix H (Faculty Coaching Stipends) and our initial proposal for Appendix L (ECELS), and hope to receive the District’s counterproposals for Article 8 (Course Maximums) and Article 17 (Evaluations). The main outstanding articles to be handled are Article 15 (Compensation), Article 20 (Working Conditions), and Appendix F (Reassigned Time and Stipends). We remain pleased with the tone, pace, and collegiality of our negotiations with the District team and are optimistic that we will be able to wrap up the 2022-2025 CBA in the near future.
Class Caps Update
Illness, holidays, and other conflicts have slowed progress on completing our negotiations on the Primary Class Cap list (formerly referred to as the Master Class Cap list). We still need to complete negotiations/clean- up for the MSE division and hope to make some notable progress towards that goal at our next scheduled meeting at the end of January. It will soon be time to reopen the Class Cap Change form, so stay tuned for more information!