Hello Comets! We’ve had another important negotiations meeting with the District and wanted to keep you updated on what’s happening behind the scenes. Here is a quick summary of our February 21st, 2025 negotiations meeting.
💫 TERB Good Faith MOU
We were joined at the table by TERB Coordinator Marquesa Cook-Wheatley to share the TERB Good Faith MOU. This proposal is designed to provide faculty with a clear process for addressing evaluation issues before they escalate to a formal grievance. The District is waiting until we can have both Marquesa and VP Recalde at the table to finalize this MOU as well as the other TERB forms that have been proposed.
💫 Spring 2026 and the Academic Year 26-27 Calendars
We discussed the upcoming calendars with some important details to finalize:
“Plenary” will be denoted as “Fall All College Day (plenary)” and “Spring All College Day”. As a reminder, while folks can benefit from attending both days, contractually, only the Fall All College Day (Plenary) requires full-time faculty attendance.
Holiday Clarifications: We spent some time identifying which days are marked as campus closures, holidays, and non-instructional days.
We asked that Cesár Chavez Day be recognized on the calendar as well.
The District plans to make these adjustments and will send out a revised calendar.
💫 Article 12 PFF Counterproposal
As a quick review, PFF presented our proposal for Article 12 in November with a focus on discipline leads, SLO coordinators, the codification of a DRC chair, and a few other minor adjustments. The District presented their counterproposal on February 6th. We were unsuccessful in advocating for discipline leads in Article 12, but we will revisit this issue in Appendix F. We clarified some of the language for SLO coordinators and the DRC chair in this counterproposal and hope to come to an agreement with the District soon.
💫 Other Discussion Items
International Transcripts featuring concurrent degrees - There was some discussion about faculty with specific international transcripts. We will continue to advocate in future negotiations for equity for faculty whose degrees are earned concurrently.
Clarity on part-time faculty step placement - The District acknowledged that there were changes to the language for initial step placement that went into effect in Fall 2023. If you were hired as a part-time faculty since Fall 2023 and want to verify your step placement, please reach out to HR or to PFF to review your placement.
We asked for updates on AP 3415 trainings, presented a concern from faculty on potential Math center issues, and reviewed short-term hourly training expectations.
Lastly, the District set up a joint meeting with CCE, PFF, and the District to review budget updates that may impact future negotiations. This meeting will be held on Monday, March 10th.
Our next Negotiations meeting is on Thursday, February 27th. We will also meet with the District and CCE for a joint budget discussion on Monday, March 10th.