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November's Governing Board Election Results

While votes are still being counted, election result trends seem clear. Based on the election results, we at PFF are optimistic about Palomar College's future. In the race that was our greatest concern, Dr. Judy Patacsil, an extremely qualified community college leader that faculty, staff, and The Telescope all endorsed, appears to have prevailed will join Palomar's Governing Board. Because Professor Patacsil won her race, her opponent--an anti-equity candidate who called Palomar's DEI work "communist ideas" and who always seemed to show up when chaos came to local school boards--was defeated. Voters repudiated his extremist perspective and brought the message to Palomar College that such toxic views are not welcome at an educational institution. Our important equity work continues.

Jacqueline Kaiser earned the endorsement of students at The Telescope, and we are hopeful her skillset benefits the college, its students, and its employees. Lastly, Michelle Rains will bring a fresh perspective and, we hope, positive results for the campus.

In the end, the winning candidates represent a balance of perspectives, and we're confident the faculty Union can have positive relations with all members of the new Governing Board because we all have the same goal: a healthy, vibrant Palomar College for students, faculty, all employees, and the community.

We at PFF wish outgoing Trustees Miyamoto and Raju well and thank them for their service to our college, our students, our faculty, and all employees. As well, we wish retiring Trustee Evilsizer a wonderful post-Palomar life and thank him for all the good he's done for our community.

Thanks to everyone who worked tirelessly on these campaigns out of concern for our home here at Palomar College.

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