PFF is in the process of reformatting its Constitution. In the interim, PFF wanted to make sure the below was known. In Spring 2023, we agendized a bylaws draft that was approved by the PFF eBoard in May 2023. Those bylaws are below, and they will be integrated into the PFF Constitution bylaws as the reformatting occurs.
As noted in 3.01(a), a PFF member “shall be defined as those who have submitted validated membership applications and are currently paying dues” or a successful petitioner under 3.01(b).
As 9.01 further calls out “members in good standing,” it is necessary to define “good standing.”
For scenarios where privileges apply to “members in good standing” and not just “members,” a member in good standing is defined as “a PFF member who is currently paying dues and has been paying dues for six (or more) consecutive months or has successfully petitioned to remain a member under 3.01 (b).”
Only “members in good standing” may appear on ballots and/or be considered as a candidate for PFF eBoard seats.
Only “members in good standing” may be considered and/or appointed to these compensated positions: Elections Chair, Committees on Committees Chair, and Education Center Ombuds.
Executive Leadership (Officer) positions, as defined in 4.02, and the Compensated Positions of Lead Negotiator, COPE Chair, and Grievance Officer(s), as defined in 5.03, in addition to the restriction of being held by “members in good standing,” are further restricted in the following ways:
1. Executive Leadership (Officer) positions and the Compensated Positions of Lead Negotiator, COPE Chair, and Grievance Officer(s) must have been “members in good standing” for 24 of the 36 months prior to their selection/appointment/election to any of these positions,
2. Executive Leadership (Officer) positions and the Compensated Positions of Lead Negotiator, COPE Chair, and Grievance Officer(s) must remain “members in good standing” for the duration of their term/service time, and
3. Executive Leadership (Officer) positions and the Compensated Positions of Lead Negotiator, COPE Chair, and Grievance Officer(s) must have attended (as member or guest) and/or participated in (as member or guest) several PFF eBoard meetings in the two calendar years prior to their appointment to any of these positions.