Hi fellow faculty-
Your PFF Negotiations team has been working hard on your behalf this summer- we’ve been meeting regularly with the District for both contract negotiations (2019-2022 contract) and class caps negotiations. We had a very productive all-day meeting with the District yesterday, Monday the 8th, so it’s a good time for an update on where we stand with the contract negotiations:
Yesterday we were able to TA (Tentatively Agree- this means sign off on so it can go the Governing Board) on Articles 4 (Workload and Calendar), 9 (Leaves), and 17 (Evaluations), as well as Appendix L (ECELS).
We successfully protected our workload and our leaves, and strengthened our faculty evaluations process!
We also signed three MOU’s yesterday - one related to Community Ed classes taught by faculty, one related to back payment to the ECELS for an error with benefits pay, and one to agree to begin developing on online evaluations system.
For details on any of the above, please visit our website, where you can see scans of our agreed articles, appendices, and MOU’s: https://www.palomarfacfed.org/contract
We have another all-day negotiations meeting with the District in two weeks- at that meeting we will be discussing some of the more “difficult” areas, including Class Maximums (Article 8), Department Chairs (Article 12), Compensation (Article 15), and Working Conditions (Article 20). All of these have already been on the table for discussion- we are moving closer towards being able to come to some agreement. Please know that we are committed to no take-aways, and to as many gains as we are able to achieve in this fiscally-challenging time.
If you missed the Negotiations update that came out a few weeks ago, we already signed an MOU with the District that guarantees faculty the same 3.26% COLA that other employee groups already received.
We will be meeting next week for continued class caps negotiations as well.
Thank you for your trust and patience- we are hopeful that we will have a completed contract ready for our members’ vote within the next few months.
In unity, your PFF Negotiations Team: Jenny Fererro, Teresa Laughlin, Barbara Baer, Nicole Siminski