Faculty, it's time for Truth on Thursday.
Misleading Narrative: Full-time faculty overload pay costs the District millions of dollars that they would not otherwise spend.
Overload is generated by teaching additional classes that the District has approved to be in the schedule and that must be taught.
These classes add to the College’s apportionment funding.
Full-time faculty do NOT receive 20% of their full-time salary for a 20% overload.
Full-time faculty have a separate overload salary schedule which is very similar in pay to the part-time faculty salary schedule. Whether these courses are taught by part-time faculty or full-time faculty, the financial difference to the District is likely to be non-existent.
The District is using this issue as a wedge between full and part-time faculty colleagues because they clearly would know that there would be no cost savings.
Bottom line: The overload myth is designed to pit workers on this college against each other to distract from the gross fiscal mismanagement of the District.
In Solidarity,
Teresa Laughlin and Barbara Baer, PFF Co-Presidents
Palomar Faculty Federation
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